Alternate Current Radio

Hesher on Tour

Hesher on The Patrick Henningsen Show: Canadian Government vs. Freedom

Hesher on The Patrick Henningsen Show: Canadian Government vs. Freedom

by | Jan 27, 2022 | Hesher on Tour | 0 comments

Listen to “Hesher on The Patrick Henningsen Show: Canadian Government vs. Freedom” on Spreaker.

BOILER ROOM Host, HESHER, joins The Patrick Henningsen Show on January 27th to discuss the Freedom movement in Canada, the trucker led protest against corporate and government medical mandates for experimental mRNA shots as a response to COVID. What does it mean? Where is it headed? Is Canada now a dictatorship joined at the hip with big pharma…? Listen in to find out what Hesh and Pat think.

ATTENTION! There is a NEW Podcast bucket on Alternate Current Radio, make sure to follow “Hesher on Tour” on the ACR Spreaker channel

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