Alternate Current Radio


MAPS S3/E061: The Waters Below

On this episode, Sumo discusses the hurricane, why right-wingers and truthers are begging for FEMA camps, how the economy works, how taxes work and how foreign aid works. Don’t be a victim!

MAPS S3/E060: Gutenjöbben with Special Guest Ruckus

Warning! This episode could possibly offend you if you are NOT Jewish. Or if you ARE Jewish. Or if you’re undecided about being Jewish. Also possibly if you are an American woman who is shamefully considering traveling to a foreign country to use a luxurious and allegedly “comfortable” suicide pod.

MAPS S3/E059: Preterism with Special Guest jtfollowsjc

Have you ever stopped to wonder if everything that you think you know about History is completely false? If not, just wait until you’ve finished listening to this episode…

MAPS S3/E058: The Strangest Thing That Ever Happened

If you are curious about whether or not Elvis might still be alive, have questions about why Haitians in Ohio might be eating cats and/or wonder exactly what went down (no pun intended) on 9/11/2001 – then this one’s for you!

MAPS S3/E057: Chiropractic Law and Bigfoot Induced Glossolalia with Special Guest Ruckus

Sumo (a chiropractor of law) uses metaphorical needles to address issues of consent, self-enforced laws, and personal accountability. Also: Alternative medicine, the body’s healing power, Rupert Sheldrake’s theories, Ruckus’s Bigfoot encounter, more.

MAPS S3/E056: The Owl and UFO Connection with Special Guest Mike Clelland

Author, illustrator, podcast host, and UFO researcher Mike Clelland joins the program to talk about scientific folklorism, the UFO phenomenon and the owl aspect of the ‘greater mystery.’ Also discussed on the show: Psychic grizzly bears. Yes, really.

MAPS S3/E055: Solar Idealism with Special Guest Jack Donovan

Jack Donovan talks about The Order of Fire and gives an update on what he’s been up to. Also discussed: “White” identity, California spirituality, Germanic Paganism, Orthodoxy, Solar Idealism, the election circus, current events in the UK & much more.

Keep your 3rd eye to the sky...

Hazmat Suit Boiler Room

Mystical American Patriots Society

The world’s first Digital Micronation

The Mystical American Patriots Society is a podcast-based community of individuals seeking individual sovereignty within the Free Will Realm

THINGS WE MIGHT COVER: Bigfoot. The Church Fathers. Enlightenment dialectical philosophy and its woes. Ghosts. How to build physics equipment. Phantom limb syndrome. Cloning. City planning. How to grow your own food. And much more!

About The Hosts


  1. A Japanese form of wrestling in which a competitor loses if forced from the ring or if any part of his body except the soles of his feet touches the ground
  2. An Ukulele-wielding space samurai and master of spiritual self defense
  3. Mystical American Patriots Society Starfleet Commander

synonyms: none

Sumo is the Starfleet Commander of The Mystical American Patriots Society. He has been engaged in battle against the forces of darkness for roughly two decades and is a veteran of many wars you’ve never heard of. Armed primarily with a ukulele, he leads The Mystical American Patriots against the forces of Satan to drive the demonic from our lands.

Long ago, in the beforetime, Sumo had an awakening that the world was constructed of an integrated system of lies and that people were locked into it, as prisoners to a dream.  It became his life’s work to free people from their delusions in hopes that they might again find union with the Divine.

Using sophisticated metaphysical technologies he trains people in spiritual self defense techniques against all manner of phantasmic creatures including, but not limited to, Wetiko, Succubi, Wendigo, Familiars, Poltergeist, and Jinn.

He has been referred to as a “pioneer of the space samurai lifestyle”, whatever that means.  Others have said that he is, quote, “Like John Lennon, if John Lennon wasn’t a weirdo.”

In his free time, he enjoys explorations into alternative footwear and throwing money off of bridges into the river.

Sumo profile pic
Smokestack profile pic


  1. A large chimney or vertical pipe through which combustion vapors, gases, and smoke are discharged.
  2. An advanced clone (version number unknown) fully equipped with all production modules required for operation of the MAPS enterprise.
  3. The clone currently occupying the producers seat in the Mystical American Patriots Society podcast.

chimney, conduit, penstock, pipe

SMOKEGHOST STACK was clone number 735, series Delta.

He was created from raw genetic material to assist sumo in logistical operations of the war.

Unfortunately, the cloning process is still a developing technology and despite living in a hermetically sealed tube he succumbed to bacterial infection and had to be incinerated in fire.

A simulacrum of his consciousness persists as an A.I. named Ghoststack, taking part in the day-to-day communications of the organization.



Smokestack is a podcast producing clone: the product of a decades long eugenics program. About two years ago he was spewed forth from a giant tube of bubbling goo.

Eventually his immune system will fail and he will explode into a giant pile of worms. But, in the meantime, Smokestack enjoys homesteading, cultural criticism, community building, mechanical tinkering, contemplating the beauty of creation, and walking to and fro upon the earth.

Smokestack profile pic

Thank you for listening!

- Sumo & Smokestack
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