Alternate Current Radio

Daily Ruckus: 12 Days of Ruckus (Day 9)

Daily Ruckus: 12 Days of Ruckus (Day 9)

On this special episode, discover how A.I promises to help your grandmother fight scammers, make your online fantasies come true, assist you with your health care, book flights on your behalf, drive you around town, spy on you (with your permission, unlike the NSA) and make you very much unemployed (very soon)

Daily Ruckus: 12 Days of Ruckus (Day 5)

Daily Ruckus: 12 Days of Ruckus (Day 5)

On this very special holiday episode: A group of ancient pagans feasting and exchanging gifts, the world’s oldest crocodile, an octogenarian politician with dementia, a plague-ridden Egyptian mummy, and some words written on a very old marble slab worth millions of dollars!

Daily Ruckus: 12 Days of Ruckus (Day 3)

Daily Ruckus: 12 Days of Ruckus (Day 3)

On this episode: The history of a pair of close friends who like to share ‘experiences’ together. A couple of big-time buddies seemingly tied at the hip and making waves. And an introduction to your next best friend, who looks attractive tied around your neck (and comes with a lot of emotional baggage)

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