Alternate Current Radio

Boiler Room | Video

Stuck Between a Fog and a Hot Place

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room

Learn to protect yourself from predatory mass media

”Stuck Between a Fog and a Hot Place”

The Social Rejects Club: Hesher, Infidel Pharaoh, Ruckus, Mark Anderson & Randy J

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Los Angeles is burning while inept politicians and policy makers sit around with thumbs firmly implanted in their butts, questionable fog banks beg some uncomfortable questions, Zuckerberg admits he censored you for the government and promises to censor you more like Musk does moving forward, the Technocrat Bros nudging global governance towards technocracy and the degenerates that wear diapers to a $7k Applebees dinner for the Manhattan NYE Ball Drop… all this and more, on this episode of Boiler Room.

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