Alternate Current Radio

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12 Days of Ruckus (Day 12 – Pt 1)

Say hello to the technocracy of tomorrow, brought to you by today’s news and an analysis of current trajectories…

12 Days of Ruckus (Day 11)

By the end of this episode you should be better equipped to realize real lies without relying on the unreliable restlessness of a liar’s eyes

12 Days of Ruckus (Day 10)

Nine out of Ten stores going out of business agree: Sometimes the “solutions” can be worse than the “problems”

12 Days of Ruckus (Day 9)

On this special episode, discover how A.I promises to help your grandmother fight scammers, make your online fantasies come true, assist you with your health care, book flights on your behalf, drive you around town, spy on you (with your permission, unlike the NSA) and make you very much unemployed (very soon)

12 Days of Ruckus (Day 8)

On this special episode, Ruckus shares no less than 8 stories involving a bunch of fraudsters, grifters, imposters, pretenders, charlatans, deceivers, hypocrites and big fat phonies

12 Days of Ruckus (Day 7)

On this special Holiday episode, Ruckus faces his fear of the ocean’s apex predators (sharks) by using his show as a form of exposure therapy

12 Days of Ruckus (Day 6)

On this shocking episode: A creep preying on an old woman, a creepy chick preying on a cop, a pair of cheap creeps preying on young girls, and a couple of preying creeps who better start praying…

I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire

The Daily Ruckus Official Show Image

Alternate Current Radio Presents: The Daily Ruckus

Your daily dose of what’s currently “all the ruckus” …

A daily news update program that dares to look past the propaganda! Hosted by Adam Clark (AKA “Ruckus”) The Daily Ruckus is a one-of-a-kind mashup of news, opinion, and audible artistry that features an analysis of current events, and commentary on the headline news and trending topics being discussed by the “Media”

New Episodes* Coming September 2024


* Now in RuckusVision™

Adam Clark AKA “Ruckus” is the host and producer of The Daily Ruckus, a unique news and opinion podcast that started out as just a hobby, and eventually became a regular show prominently featured on Alternate Current Radio.

A self-described Jack-of-all-trades, by day – as “The WordSlinger” – he is a business and marketing consultant, graphic designer, and webmaster; and by night – as “Ruckus” – he is a content creator, critical media analyst and commentator, and assistant chainsaw juggler at Alternate Current Radio.

As a Contributor to ACR, Ruckus is a constant regular on The Boiler Room (ever since the early days of the 2020 scamdemic) and he has been a frequent guest and ocassional co-host on The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen.

Outside of ACR, Adam is best known for his contributions to Today’s News Talk (TNT) as a Show Producer and News Presenter.

Adam’s interests are in cryptohistory, media, current events, marketing, and science & technology.

His hobbies include reading, “causing a ruckus” in public, and avoiding contact with sharks.

Thank you for listening!

... may God bless this Republic! - Adam Clark AKA "Ruckus"
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