Newest Episodes
ACR Podcasts

Boiler Room
The original social rejects clubA mid-week talk radio program designed for news hounds, media maniacs, political animals and social rejects! Join host, Hesher, along with a motley crew of other ACR hosts and regular guests as they take a pry-bar to your third eye!

Sunday Wire
With Patrick HenningsenYour Weekly News & Analysis Omnibus: Lower the blast shields, this is your brave new world! Hosted by Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire

The Daily Ruckus
Your daily dose of what's currently "all the ruckus" ...A daily news update program that dares to look past the propaganda! Hosted by Adam Clark (AKA “Ruckus”) The Daily Ruckus is a one-of-a-kind mashup of news, opinion, and audible artistry that features an analysis of current events, and commentary on the headline news and trending topics being discussed by the “Media”

The Odd Man Out Podcast
"Their Order Is Not Our Order!"Hidden History, Deep Political Policy, Occult Deconstruction, Economics, Fringe Christianity, & Philosophy From A Rabbit-hole Aficionado’s Point of View.

Mystical American Patriots Society
The world’s first Digital MicronationWarning! Contents may include the following: Bigfoot. The Church Fathers. Enlightenment dialectical philosophy and its woes. Ghosts. How to build physics equipment. Phantom limb syndrome. Cloning. City planning. How to grow your own food. And much more!
Music Mixtapes

Hessian Session
Heavy Metal Insanity with 'Hesher'A face melting, riff-tastic, neck-wrecking metal session every Saturday night!

Photon's Belt Of Sound
ACR’s music mix tape library just got a shiny new warp drive…Join Photon as he maps the galactic belt of sound, from Hip-Hop to Electronica and various groove frequencies!

Ruckus Wuz Here
A Theme-based Mixtape SeriesBecause every music mix tape library could use a little bit more of a “noisy commotion” – #RuckusWuzHere

Matt's Shuffle
Presented by Stoner KaraokeThe only mixtape bold enough to follow Sade and P-Funk with Fear Factory and Morbid Angel

Spaulding Mix
From the South Korean Karaoke bar to the ACR mixing boardDaniel Spaulding brings the nostalgia, the groove and the smooth every Saturday night with deep tracks and hits from your favorite genres and decades.

Infidel's Magic Carpet Ride
The ACR Arabian KnightInfidel Pharaoh’s favorite jams from more genres than you can find in a genie’s bottle!

Tasha's Trove of Tones
A stirring and moving mixtape experienceTasha weaves a tapestry of cerebral and passionate mixtape textures.

Guest Dj Sessions
Special selections and seriesMixtapes curated and submitted by V.I.P. members of The Social Rejects Club