Alternate Current Radio

Newest Episodes

MAPS S3/E071: A Genuine Supervillain Plot

Instead of watching this year’s Super Bowl Halftime Show (and/or the countless number of post-analysis videos) we strongly recommend you just listen to this episode of Mystical American Patriots Society

‘Nord Stream Deception’ with Jeffrey Brodsky + Hesher, Ruckus & Basil

This week we’re looking into the Nord Stream sabotage with writer Jeffrey Brodsky and the precarious position of Ukraine’s General Valeriy Zaluzhniy

Daily Ruckus: 12 Days of Ruckus (Day 11)

By the end of this episode you should be better equipped to realize real lies without relying on the unreliable restlessness of a liar’s eyes

Odd Man Out Podcast Ep. 196: Use Your Delusion Vol. 2

On this episode Odd Man Out continues to take ‘Trump 2.0’ to task by focusing on the new admin’s “Israel Firsters”

MAPS S3/E070: Riddles In The Dark

On this episode, your craving for a podcast experience where the discussion plays hopscotch on the sidewalk next to the intersection of fantasy, history, science fiction, politics and religion will be satisfied!

‘Trump & Israel’s Faux Ceasefire’ with Dr Zachary Foster, Hesher and Ruckus

The Israel-Gaza ceasefire, which appeared to have already been sabotaged by Israel with Dr. Zachary Foster. Week one of the 2nd Trump administration with Hesher and Ruckus.

The Good, The Bad and The Fugly

Welcome to Trump era 2.0, its a lot of media to cover, Jamie Hanshaw joins to break down the Tate brothers saga, sci-fi cults and the latest with the ‘Techno-Bro’ oligarchs.

Daily Ruckus: 12 Days of Ruckus (Day 10)

Nine out of Ten stores going out of business agree: Sometimes the “solutions” can be worse than the “problems”

MAPS S3/E069: Kindergarten Speak Naively Combined with Murderous Rage

On this episode: Kavi and Sumo try to make sense of TikTok (temporarily) shutting down, Trump embracing meme coin mania, MAGA rallying for the NWO, climate “changing” California, SpaceX flashing 33’s and everyone blaming everybody else for everything

Odd Man Out Podcast Ep. 195: Use Your Delusion Vol. 1

On this episode Odd Man Out takes ‘Trump 2.0’ to task (once again ) by focusing on their lies and hypocrisy

(Robot) Sex And The (Smart) City

Journalists Sam Husseini and Max Blumenthal forcibly removed from State Depart Press Pool, Biden’s last gasp, LA continues to burn and the mass media continues to gaslight

Daily Ruckus: 12 Days of Ruckus (Day 9)

On this special episode, discover how A.I promises to help your grandmother fight scammers, make your online fantasies come true, assist you with your health care, book flights on your behalf, drive you around town, spy on you (with your permission, unlike the NSA) and make you very much unemployed (very soon)

ACR Podcasts

Boiler Room

The original social rejects club

A mid-week talk radio program designed for news hounds, media maniacs, political animals and social rejects! Join host, Hesher, along with a motley crew of other ACR hosts and regular guests as they take a pry-bar to your third eye!


Sunday Wire

With Patrick Henningsen

Your Weekly News & Analysis Omnibus: Lower the blast shields, this is your brave new world! Hosted by Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire


The Daily Ruckus

Your daily dose of what's currently "all the ruckus" ...

A daily news update program that dares to look past the propaganda! Hosted by Adam Clark (AKA “Ruckus”) The Daily Ruckus is a one-of-a-kind mashup of news, opinion, and audible artistry that features an analysis of current events, and commentary on the headline news and trending topics being discussed by the “Media”


The Odd Man Out Podcast

"Their Order Is Not Our Order!"

Hidden History, Deep Political Policy, Occult Deconstruction, Economics, Fringe Christianity, & Philosophy From A Rabbit-hole Aficionado’s Point of View.


Mystical American Patriots Society

The world’s first Digital Micronation

Warning! Contents may include the following: Bigfoot. The Church Fathers. Enlightenment dialectical philosophy and its woes. Ghosts. How to build physics equipment. Phantom limb syndrome. Cloning. City planning. How to grow your own food. And much more!


Music Mixtapes

Hessian Session

Heavy Metal Insanity with 'Hesher'

A face melting, riff-tastic, neck-wrecking metal session every Saturday night!


Anarchy With Spore

Tributes, Mixtapes & Smooth Sounds

“Hello, darlings… enjoy the anarchy”


Photon's Belt Of Sound

ACR’s music mix tape library just got a shiny new warp drive…

Join Photon as he maps the galactic belt of sound, from Hip-Hop to Electronica and various groove frequencies!


Ruckus Wuz Here

A Theme-based Mixtape Series

Because every music mix tape library could use a little bit more of a “noisy commotion” – #RuckusWuzHere


Matt's Shuffle

Presented by Stoner Karaoke

The only mixtape bold enough to follow Sade and P-Funk with Fear Factory and Morbid Angel


Spaulding Mix

From the South Korean Karaoke bar to the ACR mixing board

Daniel Spaulding brings the nostalgia, the groove and the smooth every Saturday night with deep tracks and hits from your favorite genres and decades.


Infidel's Magic Carpet Ride

The ACR Arabian Knight

Infidel Pharaoh’s favorite jams from more genres than you can find in a genie’s bottle!


Tasha's Trove of Tones

A stirring and moving mixtape experience

Tasha weaves a tapestry of cerebral and passionate mixtape textures.


Guest Dj Sessions

Special selections and series

Mixtapes curated and submitted by V.I.P. members of The Social Rejects Club


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